We at Lake Erie Bible Church believe that the 66 books contained in the Old and New Testament Bible are God inspired and His directive will revealed to mankind. In addition, we believe that His word is perfect and without error. It is the original languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, in which it was written that God has protected over the ages, maintaining their words of fidelity and truth regarding His plan. Therefore, we believe that it is incumbent upon each Pastor responsible for teaching His word, to be adequately trained in the languages, to ensure an accurate translation. And it is only by a verse-by-verse approach that the student of God’s word can solidly maintain context, continuity of intent and truly seek His entire counsel (Act. 20:27; Pro.1:1-6 cp. vss.20-25).
This site has been established with the clear Biblical understanding that there are those whom the Bible terms as “seekers”, which are individuals who truly desire a relationship with God. This is important since Scripture states that “He is a rewarder of those who seek Him”, (Heb.11:6). God has revealed Himself to mankind through two primary avenues of revelation i.e., creation (Rom.1:20) and the verbal plenary inspiration of His plan given to men, consolidated in our present age into the books of the Bible (1Cor.2:16). While men come to an understanding that God exists through creation, it is only by a clear understanding of the Bible that man can know what His plan for them consists of, and what necessary adjustments are needed in order for men to comply with His plan. Since it is God that is perfect and not men, it is the responsibility of men to adjust to His righteousness.
The information contained in this site is for those seekers looking for the truth of Bible doctrine. It provides an alternative for those who are not satisfied with the “lukewarm” approach to the Bible (Rev.3:14-16) and have a desire to be fed spiritually. This site is not designed to be a substitute for face-to-face teaching of the believer under their right Pastor-Teacher (Eph.4:11) in their own local church. It is the local church that is the pillar and support of the truth (1Tim.3:15). The importance of the local church and one’s adherence to it is brought out explicitly in the New Testament. When the glorified Christ wanted to communicate “The Revelation”, He addressed it to the communicators of the seven churches (Rev.2-3). It is clear that the Apostles in the early church regarded the establishment and function of the local church as their priority of ministry (Act.14:21-23). Even the major epistles of the New Testament are written to local churches. Apart from local churches and their function, sound Bible teaching is not available. The information in this site therefore, is a commentary of the type of teaching of the Bible that is available in the Christian world today.
— Pastor-Teacher Ken Reed