The Gospel
How am I able to be saved?
The most important step for anyone to make regarding God’s plan is to take the initial step to secure eternal life. This step is the easiest you will ever make.
The apostle Paul was asked the same question regarding salvation in Acts 16:30-31. His answer was simple and straight forward, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved…”, (cp. Joh.3:16). He also states, “Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved”, (Rom.10:13). The Lord’s name is His reputation. His reputation is that the historical person Jesus was God in the flesh (Joh.1:1 cp. vs.14), He died on the cross for the sins of all men (Heb.10:12; 1Pet.3:18; 1Joh.2:2) and was resurrected and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God (Acts 1:9-11,22; 2:29-34; Heb.1:3). If you believe that Jesus indeed is who the Bible says He is and paid the penalty for your sins, then you are saved (Eph.1:13). This is the free grace gift of salvation provided for anyone who will accept it (Rom.6:23). In addition, let no one tell you that anything else is necessary to be born again as a child of God, as Scripture makes it clear that salvation is faith apart from any additional works (Joh.1:12; Rom.3:28; Gal.2:16; Titus 3:5).
If you continue to have questions regarding your salvation, this site in part is provided to give you clear answers and documentation regarding them. For immediate additional information you can reference the Doctrine of the Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and the Doctrine of Eternal Security. In addition, you may send us an e-mail and we at Lake Erie Bible Church will help in any way possible.